Jiří Hróz, Financial Director of Colorlak and management repre- sentative of the Colorlak Group’s new Implementation Steering Committee, emphasized the following benefits of the system includ- ing those not measurable in economic terms. „After a thorough ten- dering process, we decided to deploy QAD because its functionality and pricing best met the requirements of our group’s size and struc- ture.” He continues, “By unifying the database of the parent com- pany and its two largest subsidiaries, we have established the basis for the co-ordination and management of planning, production, and sales processing. The unification of accounting systems and consolidation of financial statements provides complete visibility about economic developments in the group. Each of the companies is a unique accounting unit, yet at the same time, it is possible to obtain information in real-time about the revenues, costs, stocks, receivables and payables of all members within the group. This significantly speeds up the flow of information, saves us time, supports cash flow management and cuts costs across the group.“ The most important benefits of introducing this new ERP system are the improvements in and availability of the level of business data. Within the Colorlak Group we have been able to consolidate the previously fragmented database. For example, the creation of uniform codes, and auto- mation of internal transfers have made it possible to manage and optimise stocks of our own products and goods across the group. As a result of this unified inventory and the ability to redistribute stock, the group can reduce its cash flow requirements.
The QAD system also delivered a range of benefits in the follow- ing areas. As a result of introducing barcode technology, materials and products can now be transferred to dispatch warehouses quicker and more efficiently. Quality control has been streamlined as a result of the automated linking of final product technical checks with each batch prior to dispatch. Operational production planning has been improved thanks to QAD’s MRP II functionality. Now production plans for individual production lines based on specific orders and sales forecast are created on a nightly basis with these forming the basis for the subsequent issuing of job or- ders. Finally, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is now used for the timely communication of orders and invoices between customers as well as with business partners.