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Product Solutions



Financials and their efficient, error-free processing in accordance with all applicable national legislation are a prerequisite for the existence of every company.

  • Limit the number of manual records and minimise the error rate in creating accounting entries by automatic transaction creation using pre-set account identifiers
  • QAD tax management tools provide full support and automation in areas including reporting, VAT processing, control statements as well as online sales reporting (EET). QAD Financial Report Writer (FRW) lets you define your own customised reports for more than just internal purposes
  • Find out the value of work in progress easily and in real time instead of waiting for month end results. With online accounting, QAD provides timely and structured information that follows individual costing model components
  • Communicate with banks, send payments and process bank statements with QAD Electronic Payments. Domestic as well as international payments in various currencies are supported
  • Use cash flow in QAD based on payables and receivables as well as on open sales orders, purchase orders and manual entries
  • The QAD accounts payable processing and management tools facilitate electronic approval using workflow and electronic attachments. Real-time invoice information provides you with the status of individual bills
  • For companies working with foreign currencies, QAD automatically processes exchange rate differences, supports FX conversions and automates the exchange rate listing update process
  • QAD provides system support for management accounting, with accounting dimensions, budgeting tools and the FRW financial report generator
  • The m.assets module provides full support for asset management including the calculation of depreciation


Administer your corporate financials efficiently and with full legislative compliance. Automate your accounting processes, communicate electronically, and use reporting and management accounting tools.

With QAD Financials, you get:

  • Accounting administration in accordance with applicable current and future legislation
  • Time savings by automating your accounting processes
  • Electronic communication with authorities and banks
  • Cost and cash flow management tools
  • The possibility to create budgets and compare them with actual figures


  • Automatic transaction creation, using pre-set account identifiers
  • On-line accounting
  • Real time evaluation of work in progress by using costing models
  • System budgeting including Excel integration to provide comparative system reporting between planned and actual performance
  • Tools for generating monthly and annual financial statements including the possibility to close and protect a period against additional entries. Financial Report Writer (FRW) lets you create your own customised reports for internal or other purposes
  • Overdue receivables management including the ability to generate dummy invoices and penalty invoices
  • General ledgers
  • Electronic approval of supplier invoices using workflow and electronic attachments
  • Electronic communication with banks
  • Tools for creating electronic VAT statements, control statements and recapitulative statements
  • Automatic up to date exchange rate generation
  • Daily, weekly and monthly cash flow visibility in a structure consisting of receivables, payables, sales orders, purchase orders etc.
  • Cash administration and management tools
  • System support for assets administration (files, reports, depreciation, technical improvement)

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